Holiday representative что за профессия

Опубликовано: 02.10.2024

A holiday representative, or rep, is responsible for looking after groups of clients on package holidays at resorts.

Your main priority is to ensure that clients enjoy their holiday and that everything runs as smoothly as possible for them. As the public face of the tour operator, you must create an excellent first impression and continue to provide outstanding service to holidaymakers throughout the duration of their stay.

The role involves holding welcome meetings, handling complaints and resolving problems as they arise.

Holiday reps are often also responsible for selling resort excursions and additional services, like car hire.


Duties may vary according to the tour operator you work for and the role and type of representative work you do (e.g. customer service, family, children's or club representatives), but will typically include some or all of the following:

  • meeting guests at the airport
  • escorting guests to their accommodation
  • organising and hosting welcome meetings (sometimes for up to 200 people)
  • selling and organising excursions and other activities
  • selling car hire and other services
  • responding to clients' queries (this may involve being on duty for set times each day)
  • handling client issues, such as lost luggage or passports, allegations of theft or other crimes, problems with rooms, health problems, injuries or even deaths
  • dealing with unforeseen 'non-client' problems, like flight delays, transport strikes or weather conditions
  • resolving any conflict with or between clients
  • establishing and maintaining relationships with local hoteliers, apartment owners, excursion agents and travel companies
  • maintaining an in-depth knowledge of the resort and the local area in order to answer clients' questions
  • accompanying customers on excursions and acting as a guide
  • organising and supervising children's activities, ensuring they're in a safe environment
  • organising and taking part in daytime and evening entertainment
  • checking hotel standards and safety procedures
  • completing risk assessments and health and safety checks
  • keeping basic accounts and records and writing reports
  • assisting in the support and training of new holiday representatives.


  • Typical starting salaries are between £450 and £525 per calendar month.
  • Experienced representatives often earn between £700 and £800 a month.
  • Salaries can be considerably enhanced with commissions from selling excursions and other services.

Basic salaries and commission structures steadily improve once you've taken on more responsibility and progressed to a more senior role such as team leader or resort manager.

The majority of employers provide free accommodation - either in the form of a rental apartment, which may be shared with other staff, or hotel accommodation. Alternatively you could receive a living allowance to find your own accommodation. This varies between employers and individual resorts.

Benefits include free flights to and from the resort, free uniform and sometimes free meals or a food allowance.

Other benefits take the form of discounted or free excursions and holidays, use of company cars in leisure time, use of hotel swimming pools and other sport and leisure facilities, discounted prices in bars and restaurants and cheaper accommodation for family or friends who visit. These are usually arranged on an ad-hoc basis within the resort and at the discretion of management.

Income figures are intended as a guide only.

Working hours

Working as a holiday representative is not a 9am to 5pm job. Reps often have to work very long and unsocial hours. Working 12 or more hours a day, six days a week, is not uncommon, especially if there are long airport delays - which can occur on a regular basis.

Some of the smaller, more specialised operators may offer the possibility to work freelance.

What to expect

  • The work is highly demanding and challenging. Clients often have very high expectations and holiday reps have to deal with the issues when these are not being met. Representatives have to get used to working in a new country with a different culture, but doing so can provide the opportunity to learn a different language. The job can be hugely rewarding, confidence-building and provide great job satisfaction.
  • The role is not office-based but increasingly there is more admin involved. Most of the time is spent with clients in the hotel, on excursions or at the airport. You may also have sales targets to meet.
  • Holiday representatives are required to wear their uniform at all times while on duty and may have to change several times a day depending on whether they are undertaking hotel visits, welcome meetings or airport duties. Appearances must always be smart.
  • Jobs are based at specific holiday resorts. Some companies start their holiday representatives in European countries for their first three or four seasons, with possible progression to the Caribbean, Asia and the Americas after that. It may not always be possible to be placed in your country of choice.
  • Some operators offer employees free language lessons and development programmes.
  • Holiday representatives can be away from home for months at a time. Often, they work two seasons back-to-back before returning home for a break.
  • It may be necessary to move resorts every season, so there may not be consistency with the location.
  • Most of the larger tour operators employ holiday representatives on seasonal contracts. The summer season is generally from April to September, while the winter season is split between October to December and January to March.


Working as a holiday rep does not usually require a degree, HND or any specific qualifications. Relevant skills and personal qualities are more important.

Most tour operators seek candidates with experience of working in a customer service or travel and tourism role.

Although it's not required, a degree in one of the following subjects may be useful to the role:

  • childhood studies - for a children's representative
  • hospitality and tourism management
  • international tourism management
  • leisure and tourism
  • modern languages
  • tourism business management.

Language skills aren't usually a requirement but many tour operators value them, so they may give you an advantage. This is particularly the case in countries where English is not widely spoken, as the holiday rep will often act as a link between the local community and tourists.

Most tour operators recognise the Holiday Rep Diploma online training course. It includes 17 modules, with a test at the end of each, and covers all aspects of being a holiday representative. Candidates will also receive help on the recruitment process, helping them prepare to apply for holiday rep jobs.


You'll need to show evidence of the following:

  • communication skills (both oral and written)
  • an outgoing, confident and energetic personality
  • stamina and enthusiasm
  • presenting, listening and negotiation skills
  • a commitment to high levels of customer service
  • good business awareness and selling skills
  • teamworking ability and leadership skills
  • a good sense of humour
  • planning and organisational skills
  • flexibility
  • common sense
  • a friendly and approachable manner
  • problem-solving ability
  • a hands-on and proactive approach.

Work experience

Experience of customer care, selling, dealing with large groups and working and travelling overseas is desirable. Employers will look to see if candidates can work in a public-facing role and therefore any evidence of that is very useful. Those who want be a children's representative should have some relevant experience in childcare and to be a qualified representative they should hold an Early Years Educator (EYE) Level 3 (or equivalent) in childcare.



The major employers of holiday representatives are tour operators. In the UK the main players in the tour operator industry are TUI, as well as smaller operators like Jet2, Olympic Holidays and ski holiday operators.

Other employers of holiday reps include:

  • camping holiday firms
  • overseas agents
  • private villa or apartment owners
  • sporting and sailing clubs
  • coach operators
  • hotels.

Look for job vacancies at:

Applications are usually accepted throughout the year but it's best to apply between October and March to be considered for the summer season, and April to November for the winter season.

Many tour operators recruit high-season representatives to work during the busy summer months of June, July and August. These roles are ideal for students looking to work abroad during the summer and then return to their studies in the autumn term.

Professional development

Tour operators provide new holiday representatives with training in the UK before they're sent out to their resort. They then complete their training programme once they've arrived in the resort, where they'll live and work.

The length of training courses varies between tour operators. These intensive sessions are aimed at equipping new representatives with all the guidance and preparation they need to work in an overseas resort. They cover topics such as:

  • how to run a welcome meeting
  • customer service
  • sales techniques and best practice
  • health and safety
  • entertainment and excursions.

New representatives are also shown how to deal with common problems that may arise. The induction is an opportunity for representatives to meet each other and start building a network of other holiday representative contacts in other countries and resorts.

Representatives usually have time in the resort to familiarise themselves with the local area, accommodation and excursions before the holidaymakers arrive.

Holiday reps who join part way through a season are still given a training and induction period in the resort. There may be another holiday representative who has been working in your accommodation who can complete a handover exercise, warning you of problem areas and preparing you for the weeks ahead.

The rest of the training is on the job. New representatives are supported and assessed by head representatives or resort managers. Usually new holiday reps begin on a probationary period and have to pass certain assessments before being passed off as a fully qualified holiday representative.

Some tour operators encourage (or require) their representatives to obtain relevant NVQ qualifications, in areas such as travel services, while they're working in the resort.

In-house supervisory and management development courses may be provided and holiday reps usually receive ongoing training throughout their career, sometimes being brought back to the UK for refresher courses on best practice or training on new procedures.

Career prospects

Working full-time as a holiday representative is an intensive, demanding role, and isn't very compatible with a home family life. As a result, most people don't do it for more than a few years.

Some representatives become head reps, resort managers or regional area managers abroad, while some move back to the UK and work at the head office or become involved in the recruitment process for new staff.

Head representatives are responsible for training and supervising new holiday reps and usually act as the main point of contact for the tour operator.

There is also the opportunity for representatives to become resort managers and some may oversee several resorts. Progression from here could be to regional area manager, where you oversee representatives on a group of islands or in a specific country.

You may be able to progress this way with your current tour operator or you may need to move to a different or larger company to achieve promotion.

It may be possible to move into different areas of travel operations, including:

  • consumer affairs - specialising in areas such as quality or health and safety. Relevant qualifications are needed to move into these positions, but most companies will support staff in acquiring this specialist training
  • guest services management - troubleshooting and solving the daily problems that arise
  • specialist resort management - developing new ideas and innovations to develop and run specialist holidays, such as wedding parties.

Those who return to the UK often continue to work within the travel industry. Alternative opportunities include working as:

  • travel agents
  • tour operators
  • tourist boards
  • local authorities
  • tourist information centres
  • tourism consultancies.

Working as a holiday representative helps to develop many invaluable transferable skills which are sought after in most industries, although former holiday reps may be more suited to roles in retail, hospitality, leisure and entertainment.

1 D Что бы вы хотели получить от вашей работы?
Написать список пожеланий ваших ожиданий с точки зрения:
нагрузки/ интенсивности
свободного времени
дополнительных льгот
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2 А. Посмотрите на названия четырех профилей работы и запишите необходимые навыки и способности из списка, который вы сделали для каждого вида работы.
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2 В. Прочитайте профили работы и проверьте, были ли Вы правы.
Продавец включает в себя прежде всего эффективную коммуникацию. Это начинается с идентификации потенциальных покупателей продукта и их потребностей. Продавец тогда должен объяснить, как продукт удовлетворит эти потребности. В то время как много торговых представителей путешествуют, чтобы найти их клиентов, другие тратят большинство своего времени, продавая по телефону. Чтобы преуспеть в продажах, Вы должны быть уверенными, постоянными, определенными, чрезвычайно мотивированными и хорошим игроком команды. Многие коммерческие комиссии предлагают рабочие места и премии для хорошей работы. Новички обычно обучаются на работе.
Повар. Сферы услуг становятся развитыми в большинстве стран. Гостиницы, рестораны, пабы, клубы и пункты быстрого питания растут очень быстро, и все они нуждаются в штате, включая поваров, которые ответственны за готовку пищи. Большинство поваров обучается в

колледжах прежде, чем они войдут в систему предприятий общественного питания, где они проходят свой путь до положения главного повара. Главный повар ответственен за целую кухню, включая наблюдение за штатом и стажерами и планирование меню..

Дипломированные специалисты в Полиции. Действительно ли Вы - университетский дипломированный специалист, который не наслаждается мыслью о том, чтобы сидеть за столом с 9 до 5, подходя к телефону и делая кофе? Если это именно так, Вы можете рассмотреть вариант устроиться в полицию. Полицейские предлагают прекрасные возможности для дипломированных специалистов и сильно желают продвинуть интеллектуальных молодых людей в пределах обслуживания. Вы начнете со службы минимум двух лет как констебль, главным образом патрулируя улицы. Вы должны быть подготовлены к работе, которая будет играть важную роль с Вашей общественной жизнью. Но если Вы справитесь со всеми проблемами, то Вы будете готовы к поощрению, сначала до сержанта и затем до инспектора. Это - положение лидерства, которое включает оценку работы Ваших коллег, предупреждение трудностей и доставка людей и оборудования в нужное место в нужное время. У Вас будет большая ответственность.

Праздничные Представители и Гиды. Это - работа, которая требует, чтобы Вы были тактичны и оставались спокойными под давлением. Вы должны будете иметь дело с проблемами и потребностями отдыхающих, но Вы должны будете также знать область, в которой Вы работаете и планируете поездки и туры, которые понравятся всем. Льготы включают свободное путешествие и жить за границей. Однако, вы направитесь именно туда куда Ваша компания посылает Вас, это могут быть и мирные Мальдивы и шумные сцены клуба на Коста дель Соле. Вы не должны быть дипломированным специалистом, чтобы работать в туриндустрии, но обширное знание мира и опыт путешествия определенно плюс для претендентов работы.
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2 С. Прочитайте профили снова. В каком говорится:
1 Эта позиция может повлиять на свободное время, которое вам придется потратить с другими людьми.
2 Эта позиция не требует особой квалификации.
3 Успех в этой карьере в значительной степени определяется вашими личными качествами.
4 Эта профессия объединяет работу в офисе и передвижение и тут и там.
5 Позиция требует умения управлять людьми.
6 Работодатель очень заинтересована в развитии карьеры этих сотрудников.
7 Работник должен быть готов к работе в различных странах.
8 Эта позиция включает в себя фиксированный период начальной подготовки.
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3 А. Ответьте на вопросы около текста профилей.
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3 В. Заполните пробелы словами из блока.
1 Я ищу работу с немного большим количеством задач.
2 В течение трех лет она доработалась до должности старшего менеджера.
3 Новый стажер будет на следующей неделе.
4 Молодой офицер продвинулся до звания капитана.
5 Этот экзамен должен проводиться под тщательным наблюдением.
6 Много людей не готовы к работе со скользящим графиком - для них трудно работать в ночное время или в необычное время.
7 Мне не придется платить за эту еду - это одна из случайных подработок.
8 Люди, которые остаются более двух лет на этой работе получают специальный бонус.
9 Новые рекруты в полиции всегда приветствуются.
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3 D. Заполните пробелы с соответствующими словами из таблицы.
1 Моя цель - стать пилотом.
2 О, этот новый стажер напряженно работает. - Да, он, конечно преданный, но на самом деле не очень талантливый.
3 Когда я должен начать этот курс? - Ну, у нас свободная дата начала.
4 Я уверен, Энн справится со своими обязанностями. Никто не сомневается в ее способностях в качестве менеджера.
5 Он придумал на самом деле творческое решение проблемы.
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3 Е. Выполните предложения ниже с соответствующим существительным как в примере.
Пример: Он мой работодатель. Он владеет небольшим рестораном.
- Я работал в его ресторане в течение пяти лет. Я его сотрудник.
1 Она моя стажерка. Она была обучена в течение двух месяцев,
Я научил ее базовым навыкам в области маркетинга. Я ее учитель.
2 Он мой врач. Он всегда приходит, когда кто-то в семье болеет.
Когда я себя плохо чувствую, я прошу его совета. Я его пациент.
3 Она моя парикмахер. Она может причесать ваши волосы в разных стилях: от традиционных до авангарда.

Я прихожу к ней раз в месяц. Я ее клиент.
4 Он интервьюер. Он собирается задать мне несколько вопросов, чтобы написать отчет в газету.
Я интервьюируемый. Я готов ответить на его вопросы.
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4 А. Подумайте о работе, которую Вы хотели бы выбрать в будущем и ответьте на вопросы.
1 Какие качества у вас есть/нет? (Исх. 1B )
2 Хотите выбрать любое из рабочих мест из задания 3? Почему?/ Почему нет?
3 Что вам нравится/ не нравится в этих рабочих местах?
4 Какая работа может устроить ваш список пожеланий (упр 1D ) и личных качеств?
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4B В группах обменяться идеями о работе, которую Вы выбрали. Заполните пропуски словами из таблицы в упр 4А.
• Попросите совета ваших одноклассников о ваших выборах.
• Решите, реалистичны ли ваши амбиции.
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Sales involves above all effective communication. It starts with identifying potential buyers of a product and their needs. The salesperson then has to explain how the product will meet these needs. While many sales representatives travel to find their customers, others spend the majority of their time selling by phone. To succeed in sales you need to be confident, persistent, determined, highly motivated and a good team player. Many sales jobs offer commission or bonuses for good performance and also perks such as company cars. New recruits are usually trained on the job.

Chef. Service industries are growing fast in most countries. Hotels, restaurants, pubs, clubs and fast-food outlets are growing in number and all of them need staff, including chefs who are responsible for preparing food. Most chefs are trained in colleges before they enter the catering industry, where they can work their way up to the position of head chef. A head chef is responsible for the whole kitchen, including supervision of staff and trainees and planning and budgeting menus.

Graduates in the Police Service. Are you a university graduate who doesn't enjoy the thought of being behind a desk from 9 to 5, answering the phone and making coffee? If that's the case, you may want to consider joining the police force. The police offer excellent opportunities for graduates and are keen to promote intelligent young people within the service. You'd start by serving a minimum of two years as a constable, mostly patrolling the streets. You should be prepared for shift work which will play havoc with your social life. But if you cope with all the challenges you will be ready for promotion, first to sergeant and then to inspector. This is a position of leadership which involves evaluating your colleagues' performance, anticipating difficulties and moving people and equipment to the right place at the right time. You'll have a lot of responsibility.

Holiday Representatives and Tour Guides. This is a job which requires you to be tactful and to stay calm under pressure. You'll have to deal with the problems and needs of holidaymakers, but you'll also have to know the area you are working in and plan trips and tours that will please everyone. The perks include free travel and living abroad. However, you'll have to go where your company sends you, which may be anywhere from the peaceful Maldives to the noisy club scene on the Costa del Sol. You don't need to be a graduate to work in the travel industry, but an extensive knowledge of the world and experience of travel is definitely a plus for job applicants.

© — сборник решебников для учеников старших классов. Здесь можно найти решебники, ГДЗ, переводы текстов по школьной программе. Практически весь материал, собранный на сайте — авторский с подробными пояснениями профильными специалистами. Вы сможете скачать гдз, решебники, улучшить школьные оценки, повысить знания, получить намного больше свободного времени.

Главная задача сайта: помогать школьникам и родителям в решении домашнего задания. Кроме того, весь материал совершенствуется, добавляются новые сборники решений.

Working as a holiday representative can be fun and a great chance to work overseas but you will need lots of energy.

Due to Covid-19, you may find it difficult to gain work as a tour/holiday representative at the moment. As we explain here, however, recruiters will not view time out of work due to the pandemic as a 'gap' in your CV. For guidance on searching for work during this difficult time, take a look at our advice for job hunting during a pandemic.

Tour or holiday representatives are responsible for looking after groups of holidaymakers on package holidays, often at international destinations. They make sure that everything runs smoothly, handling any complaints and resolving problems. Typical duties involve:

  • undertaking pre-holiday research into local facilities
  • inspecting hotel safety and cleanliness
  • offering sightseeing advice
  • organising and leading excursions and entertainment
  • liaising with providers of accommodation, travel agents, coach companies and so on
  • resolving conflict with clients
  • referring complaints and problems to senior management
  • writing reports
  • providing support when holidaymakers experience difficulties such as lost luggage or health problems
  • organising and supervising activities for children
  • selling additional services such as car or equipment hire
  • meeting clients at the airport and accompanying or transporting them to their accommodation, and holding welcome meetings

Tour representatives may be 'on call' 24 hours a day. The work is not particularly well paid, but food and lodging are usually factored in. While it can be stressful at times, there is also a lot of fun involved.

You may work as part of a team of tour reps, or be the only rep at a particular resort. Some roles may involve administrative tasks and social media activity as well as customer-facing responsibilities.

Typical employers of tour and holiday representatives

  • Travel agents
  • Hotels
  • Private villa and apartment owners
  • Tour and coach operators
  • Camping holiday companies
  • Sports and sailing clubs

Vacancies are advertised online, in newspapers and trade publications including Travel Trade Gazette and Travel Weekly. Networking and speculative applications are advisable.

A few companies operate head office-based graduate training schemes. Paid summer vacation jobs may also be available with some employers. Applications for these should be made during the autumn prior to entry. Holiday reps may be employed on seasonal contracts.

There may be opportunities to move around different resorts managed by the employer, spending a season at each one. Tour reps may be away from home for months at a time, so it can be difficult to combine this type of work with family life or caring responsibilities in the long term.

Tour reps may move into senior roles that involve supervision and management, such as resort supervisor, resort manager, area manager or tour operator. Their customer service experience stands them in good stead in pursuing careers in retail as well as hospitality, leisure, tourism and travel, and will also be relevant in other industries.

Qualifications and training required

A degree is not a standard requirement for tour rep roles. However, there can be strong competition, so a degree in a relevant subject such as leisure, travel, tourism or management can be an advantage.

Relevant experience or alternative qualifications will also be helpful in your applications. Experience gained within the hotel, tourism or travel trades (particularly overseas) is advantageous. Familiarity and knowledge of key holiday destinations, foreign language skills, first aid knowledge or a driving licence can also be useful. Childcare qualifications or experience, or both, are likely to be an advantage if the role involves organising activities for children.

In this assignment I am going to prepare information sheets that describe the part played by the holiday representative in creating a safe and healthy holiday environment. I will include a description of the risks and hazards and the ways in which representatives can minimise these risks.

Health and safety terminology

Tour operators rely on their staff to diligent when carrying out their duties and vigilant when identifying potential hazards & areas of risk.

Diligent-showing care
Vigilant- being watchful against danger
Hazard- anything that can cause harm
Risk- the chance, high or low that somebody might be harmed by the hazard.

All incidents are fully logged & paper work is completed. The rep should make regular checks as follows:

Accommodation checks:
* Quality standards e.g. room furnishings, fixtures e.g. mirrors & cleanliness * Appropriate levels of service e.g. manned reception, balcony safety, glass fittings * Safe supply of gas & electricity e.g. loose sockets or exposed wirings * Hygiene standards e.g. daily cleaning

Pool area checks:
* Swimming pools should have notices with depths marked
* Pool surroundings should have an non slip surface
* Are there any broken tiles or sharp edges around the pool?

Children play areas & clubs:
* Children’s safety & security is paramount including suitably positioned & well maintained equipment, safety surfaces `& a clean and secure environment.

Procedures of children’s club:
* The health and safety set by the FTO-
* Procedures for the registration off children
* Procedures for collecting children
* Adequate supervision levels (ratio of staff to children) * Club room design & equipment

Children’s play area checks:
* Is equipment fitted securely in to the ground?
* Are there any sharp edges or protrusions?
* Are surfaces free of trip hazards?
* Do all large glass panels have stickers?
* Are all sockets fitted with child proof covers?

Fire safety:
* This is one of the main areas of concern for tour operators as regulations in other countries are not always as rigorous as in the UK.

Fire checks:
* Are all exit doors unlocked?
* Are all exit routes clear of obstructions?
* Are fire extinguishers in place in corridors?
* Where emergency lighting in place, is it in working order? * Are fire safety instructions displayed in rooms in English & other languages?

Gas & Electricity:
* There have been well publicised deaths that have arise as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning * Evidence of recent service/checks & valid safety certificates is essential * Electrical equipment & sockets should also be well maintained

Gas checks:
* Is there adequate ventilation?
* Can u smell gas anywhere in the property?
* Have there been any reports of gas faults by guests since the last audit?

Cots & highchair checks:
* Are mattresses clean & well maintained?
* Is there at least 50cm between the mattresses & top of the cot? * Are the highchairs stable?
* If wooden are there any splinters?
* Are secure harness fitted to the highchair?

Apartment & studio Checks:
* Is the fridge clean & in good working order?
* Are the fridge doors seals in good condition?
* Is the cooker clean & in good condition?
* Have all appliances been serviced recently & have certificates?

Hotel restaurant & kitchens:
This is another main area of concern for tour operators.
If standards fall food poisoning is more likely to happen. This can quickly affect many customers & completely ruin their holiday. * Are the cooker heads free of grease?
* Is raw & cooked food stored separately?
* Are date expired foods removed from storage & destroyed?

Lift checks:
* Is there a sign in place in English & other languages saying: ‘’Do not use lift.

One of the very best ways to find work in Spain is to consider getting a job as a holiday rep.

Most people who contact us looking for jobs in Spain appear ready and willing to simply fly out to Spain and expect to find work on the spot!

This is an extremely risky and difficult way of going about things unless you have a decent amount of money behind you so that you can afford to not work for a few weeks.

When you arrive in Spain you will immediately need to find accommodation and it will take some time to get out there and find a job.

The best method is to get the local newspapers and look in the back at the classified jobs advertised as well as going into bars, restaurants, nightclubs, shops and simply asking around in all these places if they need staff.

Going to bars where expats gather is always a good way of making contacts and is often a good source of work but what about a better alternative?

An alternative to working as a holiday rep is to pay for what is known as a working holiday and when you are on one of these holiday the companies reps try to find you work in the resort.

Do You Want To Be a Holiday Rep in 2021?

A holiday rep is short for holiday representative and this is a person who is responsible for making sure the customer of the travel company has a fantastic holiday with no problems.

These travel companies are often known as tour operators and they advertise what is commonly known as package holidays whereby instead of the customer having the hassle of organising flights, airport transfers and accommodation, instead one easy payment to the tour operator is made which includes all the different elements that make up a holiday.

Customers just expect to turn up at the airport and that everything will be organised and run smoothly and this is where you come in as a holiday rep to make sure this is the case.

You are the public face of the company and as part of the customer service provided, you will need to assist customers in many different ways and with many different problems and situations that will arise.

Typically people see the Spanish holiday rep job as purely a customer service role but you could also be working for a tour operator as a holiday rep in the role as an entertainer, animator or in childcare working in the kids clubs which many tour operators provide as part of their packages.

Do I Need Qualifications?

Qualifications which really do help you are a travel and tourism degree or diploma and being able to speak languages other than English.

Do I Need to Speak Spanish?

To get a job as a holiday representative in Spain it is not strictly necessary to have to be able to speak Spanish but it will put you at an immediate advantage over other candidates.

Although your clients and customers will generally be British, you will need to deal with Spanish people such as doctors ad nurses when it comes to medical emergencies. There will also be a need to deal with government officials such as police when unfortunately tourist have items stolen. It may even be that some customers are arrested and jailed!

You will also probably be escorting your customers on excursions in the local area so this is another opportunity when Spanish may well be required to be spoken.

Work as a Transfer Rep

There is an alternative to being a holiday rep (also known as overseas rep) which is a specific role as what is known as a transfer rep.

You can also get these transfer rep jobs for the major tour operators such as Thomas Cook, Thomson, First Choice and 18 to 30.

Working as a transfer representative is very important because first impressions count. You will be the first person to meet the customers when they have arrived off the plane at their destination be it Mallorca, Benidorm, Ibiza, Lanzarote, Tenerife, Gran Canaria or another destination in Spain.

Customers may be tired from their journey and a little bit stressed out having just picked up their luggage and cleared customs. Your job will be to organise them into coaches to transfer them to their destination.

Usually the tour companies have a variety of different hotels in the resorts and so there is likely to be a large group of people to organise, welcome and deal with in a short amount of time as they will all be arriving at once!

On the plus side, working as a transfer rep gives you the opportunity to see the world while being paid. You will be living in a holiday destination full-time so there will be plenty of time to enjoy yourself.

What is the Minimum Age?

Unfortunately you will need to be at least 18 years of age in order to become a travel rep or holiday rep and some companies actually require you to be over 21. This is because in previous times younger reps have lost control of themselves and got too drunk and disorderly.

Holiday companies received bad press in the newspapers and are now looking for more responsible people to represent them to their customers.

Sure being a holiday rep is all about having fun and making sure your guests have fun too but you still have to maintain a degree of professionalism and have a sense of maturity about you.

When Do the Holiday Companies Recruit?

In fact most positions for Spain will be filled by February but there are always some people who drop out at the last moment so at least if you have had an interview and been short-listed you will be in with a chance.

How Do I Get a Job in Spain?

Firstly you will need to make an application in writing to the companies that we have listed below. We have the most comprehensive information and sources of holiday rep jobs in Spain. We know that these companies listed are actively searching for applicants so get started as soon as you possibly can by clicking the links and filling out the forms.

We suggest getting somebody to check over your application form before you fill it in and send off. Fill out each section carefully, making sure to be positive and upbeat explaining why you think you would be an ideal candidate for this position.

Getting a job as a holiday rep with Thomson or First Choice:

You’ll meet all sorts of people from all sorts of places, develop your already excellent customer skills and gain great experience of helping our customers make the most of their holiday by introducing them to our great range of days and nights out. We’ll turn you into a slick sales person, problem solver and all-round crowd-pleaser. In short, you’ll develop into someone who has the confidence to do anything!

Getting a job as a holiday rep with Thomas Cook:

Getting a job as a holiday rep with 18-30:

Getting a job as a holiday rep with Monarch/Cosmos:

The role will include escorting coach transfers to and from the airport, presenting informative and accurate welcome meetings, making hotel visits to offer assistance and information to our guests, as well as dedicated customer service skills when resolving problems. Guiding excursions and bar crawls are all part of the job as well as completion of accurate paperwork, which also includes health and safety checks.

Interview Tips for a Holiday Rep Position

Now that you have got an interview as a holiday rep, you will need to prepare yourself thoroughly.

At this stage the competition is still extremely fierce with thousands of applicants to the holiday companies so you really need to stand out and make it impossible not to hire you!

Below we have just a few quick tips to make sure that your interview is successful:

People skills. The vacancy is all about handling customers and their issues and problems. You need to be able to display that under pressure and with potentially angry customers you can stay calm and placate them. Relate any positive stories that show you to be the sort of person who would not lose their cool under pressure.

Can I Choose Which Spanish Resort I Work in?

If you have a preference about which location in Spain you would like to work in this might be a problem. Most companies will allocate you to a particular resort and although you may express your preferences, it is not necessarily guarantee as to where you will be placed.

The best resorts and places in Spain to find work as a holiday rep are:

Holiday Rep Jobs Costa Blanca:

Most rep vacancies can be found in Benidorm, the most popular tourist resort on the Costa Blanca.

Holiday Rep Jobs Costa del Sol:

Puerto Banus (Marbella) on the Costa del Sol is covered by Club 18 to 30. Other package holiday destinations where you can find jobs as reps include Fuengirola and Torremolinos.

Holiday Rep Jobs Mallorca/Majorca:

Magaluf on Mallorca/Majorca

Holiday Rep Jobs Ibiza:

San Antonio on Ibiza

Holiday Rep Jobs Canary Islands:

Tenerife holiday reps (Playa de las Americas, Los Cristianos, Puerto de la Cruz).
Playa del Ingles on Gran Canaria

How Much Do Spanish Holiday Reps Get Paid?

This is not a job that you will do purely for the money and salary. Tour operators know full well that they will be overwhelmed with application forms from potential applicants. The attractions and advantages to working in a holiday resort and getting paid for it are huge. Also given that most applicants are between 20 and 25 they also know that these people do not expect to be well paid.

On the plus side you are working for major multinational companies and therefore you will be paid a reasonable amount, typically £150+ a week and you will be officially employed with contract meaning that you will be entitled to free medical benefits, insurance, accommodation and with food included in your package.

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